Fablab Safety & Tools

The Objective of this module is to

  1. understand WSH regulations in SP and the safe practices in Fab Lab workshop,
  2. To be familiarise with the safety infrastructurein Fab Lab/Workshops and to know machines’hazards

Important points


  • For Ambulance call 995
  • For SCDF call For all emergencies and incident reporting call
  • Police call 999
  • SP Emergency hotline 6772-1234
  • School's general office , 67721206 or 67721234 if treatment to injury is required.

Emergency Procedures

  1. Give name of caller
  2. Location of the incident
  3. Nature of emergency e.g. fire, explosion, violent or abusive behaviour, etc.

Safety in the Lab


Working in the lab

always check for safety warning placards and understand its content